Bringing crypto and holiday spirit giveaways to everyone with XGo’s Web2.5

Published at: Nov. 21, 2022

While the crypto market goes up and down in an almost hypnotizing lull, there is one thing everyone is looking forward to - the holiday season. As the end of the year approaches quickly, Christmas and New Year's are knocking on the door. Yet, the uncertainty of the global economic landscape might be putting a stain on the festive season for some this year.

With raging inflation (8.8% globally in 2022, according to the International Monetary Fund), and rising prices across the board, the holiday season can become overwhelming. However, ambitious projects like XGo are trying to bring more stability to the space by incorporating next-gen concepts and bringing web2 and web3 closer together.

Web3 is for everyone, but not yet

One of the significant changes web3 aims to deliver is to allow a decentralized financial structure to bloom and become accessible to anyone in the world. Currently, traditional banking is widely unavailable in some regions of the world, leaving more than 1 billion people worldwide unbanked, according to the latest Global Findex Database research. With the global adoption of web3, the currently unbanked will have easier and more secure access to financial instruments.

Moreover, web3 will allow those involved in the traditional banking world to access a fairer and more secure financial system. With web3, users will be able to pay their bills in crypto and purchase goods and services with their digital assets without having to go through a middleman.

While web3 may sound like the perfect solution, the global financial market still needs to catch up to achieve the worldwide adoption of this technology. This is where projects like XGo come in, and make a difference.

XGo introduces web2.5

XGo positions itself as the bridge between web2 and web3 by introducing a revolutionary web2.5 concept. Currently, web2 rules over the world, and web3 is only accessible to investors who have put up the time to educate themselves and learn how to use it. What is more, web3 is not at all global yet.

XGo’s web2.5 concept will grant users access to a decentralized economy without the need to invest time in figuring out how it all works. The company has designed a blockchain-based access wallet that will serve both as a savings account and as a means to perform transactions across numerous blockchains.

Notably, the onboarding process to web2.5 has been simplified, allowing users who are unfamiliar with the crypto space to take advantage as well. Ultimately, XGo is looking to bring decentralized finance to the unbanked and the banked population alike. Additionally, the XGo’s Superfluid Staking mechanism allows traders to benefit from passive income mechanics with the push of a button.

According to the XGo team, the company’s main mission is to “accelerate the shift to a decentralized economy and make the world a better place through sovereign empowerment.”

What is more, XGo wants to spread the word about web2.5 and sprinkle some festive spirit around. Read on to find out all you need to know about the upcoming Cointelegraph and XGo giveaway.

Everything you need to know about the Cointelegraph and XGo festive giveaway

To make everyone a little merrier in the weeks to come, Cointelegraph and XGo teamed up to bring the crypto space festive giveaways and rewards. The joint giveaway will last from November 21 all the way to the week leading up to Christmas, ending on December 19.

To be eligible to participate in the weekly giveaway draw, you will need to get active on the XGo platform. Engage with the XGo community on Twitter and follow their account @XGo_Official. Make a $10 deposit on the platform in any crypto you like, and turn on Superfluid Staking for at least 48 hours. Share your trading setup on the official giveaway thread, and you will be entered in the draw.

Each week, one lucky winner will receive $1000 in USDC straight to their xGo account. With a total pool of $6000 for the event, is there a better way to start the holiday season festivities and venture into web2.5?

Material is provided in partnership with XGo

Disclaimer. Cointelegraph does not endorse any content or product on this page. While we aim at providing you with all important information that we could obtain, readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company and carry full responsibility for their decisions, nor can this article be considered as investment advice.

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